3 min read


My current areas of interest, professional work experience, and education history.

Areas of Interest:

  • Software development with a focus on producing lean, modular, documented, and well-tested code built atop thoughtfully constructed data models utilizing document and/or relational databases.
  • Automation using Infrastructure as Code and CI/CD pipelines to provision cloud-based resources and deploy containerized Linux-based applications alongside serverless application code to create robust, reproducible, and scalable systems.
  • Electronics and embedded systems design and programming; learning about underlying electrical concepts and components, and using software development problem-solving to process real-world data from sensors and utilize tangible and creative inputs and outputs.


Senior Software Engineer & Site Reliability Engineer

Concentric Sky, Inc. | Jun 2016 – Feb 2021

  • Full-Stack Software Development: Developing software focused on educational learning and content management with responsive and accessible front-end client code using JavaScript, React, and ScalaJS and test-covered back-end APIs using Scala on the JVM, Akka & Play Framework, MongoDB Atlas, and ElasticSearch for a solid end-to-end platform. Building Angular front-end views with TypeScript and handling back-end adaptation and integration with a large-scale message-based Java/Spring/MongoDB system running on Apache Tomcat.
  • Dev/Ops and Cloud Engineering: Building new deployment processes to replace manual cloud provisioning and deployments with Infrastructure as Code, efficiently and consistently provisioning and deploying application releases to AWS across four global regions. Adapting and extending this tooling to also support Azure for multi-cloud infrastructure support. Creating and maintaining automated CI/CD processes for build/test/provisioning/deployment using tools such as Docker/DockerHub, Terraform, Ansible, Jenkins, Python, git/Github, and Linux shell scripting.

Software Developer/Research Assistant

University of Oregon | Apr 2011 – Jun 2016

  • Mentoring and Supervision: Software development and supervisory duties (2 FTE), architecture design, and release management for the Center on Teaching and Learning utilizing AngularJS, MySQL and MongoDB, and ExpressJS. Designing and implementing OAuth APIs, custom reports, monitoring utilities, and completing systems integration projects with external partners and vendors.
  • System Administration: Configuring and maintaining production, test, and development Linux servers and MySQL database instances, including systems and network architecture, web services configuration, database
    replication, backup tasks, firewall configuration, virtualization, fail-over, and load balancing solutions.

System Administrator and Database Developer

SELCO Community Credit Union | Mar 2008 – Apr 2011

  • Business Analysis: Developing MS SQL Server Reporting Services reports including working with business liaisons to gather reporting requirements, design report presentation, and build back-end stored procedures for gathering information across multiple databases. Creating and maintaining MS SQL Server Integration Services packages and MS SQL Server stored procedures to load data into downstream data warehouse and reporting databases.
  • Database Administration: Managing Microsoft SQL Server database servers including sizing and installation of instances, consolidating databases into virtualized high-availability servers, provisioning networking and managing security for connections from internal and external networks, configuring backups, and improving performance via indexing and query optimization.

Support Engineer — High-End Security Products

Symantec, Inc. (now Broadcom, Inc.) | Oct 2005 – Mar 2008

  • System & Network Security: Building expertise in information security principles and best-practices using both host-based and network-appliance-based intrusion prevention/detection products, software and hardware network access control, as well as security compliance and reporting products used for regulatory auditing (SOx, CISP, HIPAA) and operational security.
  • Customer Service: Supporting Intrusion Prevention and Security Compliance products for Symantec's enterprise and business-critical customers across a broad range of operating system and network environments; coordinating with a number of diverse groups including a worldwide customer base, internal engineering and support teams, and 3rd party vendors.

Global Web Application Support Analyst

HP, Inc. (now Hewlett Packard Enterprise) | Mar 2000 – Jun 2005

  • Global Collaboration: Serving on the HP Financial Services software development team working with colleagues in three global regions focusing on customer-facing web services. Developing and testing web
    application fixes, data updates, and designing data transformation logic for data warehousing and reporting.
  • Disaster Recovery: Maintaining the web service infrastructure in a 24x7 worldwide operating environment, including design and implementation of core systems migration from local disk to HP/Hitachi SAN storage and participation in disaster recovery (DR) planning and a successful out-of-state neutral-site DR simulation.
  • Representing HP Financial Services in clean-room activities during planning for the HP-Compaq merger.


Bachelor of Science, Management Information Systems

College of Business

California Polytechnic State University | 1996 — 2000

San Luis Obispo, California

  • Fields of study: Database design, software engineering, web development, server operating systems, networking, neural network design, project management, and business planning.
  • Awards and Honors: Graduated with highest honors, Summa Cum Laude; Dean’s List;
  • GPA: 3.93 / 4.00